Mayfaire's Misfits Performance Troup
Will once more be roaming the grounds creating havoc and enjoyment for young and old alike. This time of year they come not from Arcadia as in May, but from The Beyond
Buzzards Bay Buccaneers
Kelly Reed- Hathaway
Lively Music to enchant your heart
Hurricane Hole The Mad Pirate
His Haunting Melodies and Sea Chanties will humble the beast in every man, woman, and child
The Singing Sirens
three sisters from the deep entertaining you with songs that will surely steal your soul
Seamist, Abalone, and Amethyst find them at the Mermaids Lagoon
Tribal de Luna
Lovely Ladies shimmeying all the way from CT. to perform for you on Sun. 10/19 only. A group of dancers to good to be missed
Who Do Vodoo like we do
Witness Captain Blood performing his native ritual as he transforms everyone into .... you will have to see it to believe it
Participate in our Treasure Hunt
find and keep part of Captain Morgans booty
$2.00 Entrance Fee Map included( purchase at front gate)
Artists Corner ( ages 13 and over only)
Come and carve a masterpeice pumpkin, prizes awarded for: Most Creative, Most Horrific, Most Comical
Contest entrance Fee- $10.00 we supply the tools and the Pumpkins, you supply the Artistry
Purchase entrance Ticket at Front Gate